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Our co-founders believed that every child should have the opportunity to be a child. So when they started with a small event of 40 people, the $1,000 raised went right back to the children of Montgomery County.


In our early years, we gave back to non-profit organizations whose missions aligned with ours. While we still work closely with other organizations and continue to build new relationships through our Benefactor Program, we have added a new branch to our "giving tree." 


In 2016, the new branch sprouted when we began donating goods and services directly to individual children in need. As of 2019, we have helped fulfill 68 individual requests with more than $37,000.00. 

Examples of Giving:

-Handicap Accessible Van

-Christmas Gifts

-PTSD Equine Therapy

-Guitar Lessons

-Adaptive Bike

-Food and Clothing

  • Be a resident of Montgomery County and US citizen

  • Demonstrate a financial need

  • Require a specific good or service

  • The child must be under 18

For more information, please contact Director of Helping Hearts.

Recipient of Handicap Accesible Van

The following requirements must be meet to be considered:

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